Profile of Diploma III Nursing Graduates is as a nurse implementing nursing care for individuals, families and special groups in clinical and community settings who have the ability to fulfill basic human needs which include bio, psycho, social, cultural and spiritual aspects in a healthy condition, illnesses and emergencies based on nursing science and technology by firmly adhering to the code of ethics for nurses.
Diploma III level nursing education is organized by STIKES Notokusumo with the aim of producing Associate Nursing Experts who are skilled in solving nursing procedural problems independently and in groups which are planned in accordance with nursing care standards, with the ability to accept responsibility for decisions and actions of professional nursing care, in accordance with with the scope of practice and laws/legislation. In the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI) in accordance with Presidential Regulation no. 8 of 2012 states that Diploma III education graduates are at qualification level 5, namely:
- Able to complete a wide scope of work, choose appropriate methods from a variety of pre-standard and non-standard options by analyzing data, and able to demonstrate performance with measurable quality and quantity.
- Master general theoretical concepts in a particular field of knowledge, and be able to formulate procedural problem solving
- Able to manage work groups and prepare comprehensive written reports.
- Responsible for one’s own work and can be given responsibility for achieving group work results.
The profile of graduates from STIKES Notokusumo is as an executive nurse who upholds the code of ethics for nurses in carrying out nursing care for individuals, families and special groups in clinical and community settings with nursing abilities to fulfill basic human needs which include bio, psycho, socio-cultural and spiritual aspects in health, illness and emergencies based on science and nursing technology with principles of noble character.
- STICKES first private company in Yogyakarta (1990)
- Complete educational support facilities
- Qualified human resources
- Extensive collaboration network
- Supportive academic atmosphere
- Comfortable environment
- Polyclinic
- Accident Insurance
- Accredited A by PUSDIKNAKES with No. HK.06.01/III/3/01966/2010
- Accredited B by BAN-PT with No. 004/BAN-PT/Ak-XII/Dpl-III/V/2012
- Accredited B by LAM-PTKes with No. 0279/LAM-PTKes/Akr/Dip/V/2017
- Other
School Year Academic Calendar
an 2021/2022
Even Semester Lecture Schedule (II) a>