Clinical Nursing Practice (PKK) is one of the lessons for students at STIKES Notokusumo Yogyakarta which aims to prepare students to become skilled and professional future nurses. Nursing Clinical Practice (PKK) will provide students with an overview of the management of nursing care in the ward. Students will get a learning platform to be able to implement the knowledge and skills they have been taught in college.
The implementation of Nursing Clinical Practice (PKK) must be adjusted to the current service conditions. One of the conditions that needs to be adapted is the implementation of Nursing Clinical Practice (PKK) during the current COVID-19 pandemic which pays attention to safety aspects, not only for patients but also for students who will be involved in direct care service activities.
This expert lecture was held on Saturday, September 25 2021 at 08:00 and was attended by all level 2 and level 3 students who will carry out PKK activities. The aim of this activity is to provide provisions for students regarding the application of patient safety management in nursing care services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The speaker in this expert lecture was Helita Kikisan Sandra, S.Kep., Ns (Head of Nursing Education and Training and Quality at DUTA INDAH Hospital, Jakarta).
The material presented includes patient safety management concepts, patient safety management targets in health services, pre-implementation principles of patient safety management. in COVID-19 patients, introduction of the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for nurses in handling COVID-19 patients, and implementation of patient safety targets in the PPI aspect for handling patients with COVID-19 from the ER and treatment wards.