In the framework of the 50th Anniversary of PPNI, a series of community activities were carried out, including Social Services. The social service was held at Notokusumo Clinic for 25 elderly people. The elderly were given education by Mrs. Ni Ketut Kardiyudiani, M.Kep., Sp., Kep. MB., PhDNS with the theme of Health Education “Elderly Fit with Healthy Lifestyle” the elderly were checked for blood sugar and uric acid levels. On this occasion, healthy living socialization was also carried out together with Dr. Oga Indrajaya as the head of the Notokusumo Yogyakarta clinic. In order to optimize the welfare of the elderly, at the end of the session all elderly people get basic food and snack gifts to alleviate the needs of the elderly.
This community service activity was also enlivened by elderly gymnastics and parodies about healthy elderly culture by s1 Ners students. Mr. Rudi Haryono, M.Kep said in his speech that hopefully this activity will benefit the community and have a good impact on the health of the elderly in the Tegalrejo Yogyakarta area.