Children with special needs (ABK) are children who experience physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional conditions that require related health services in more types or amounts than those required by other children in general. Parents who have children with special needs sometimes deny being unable to accept the conditions their children are experiencing so this will affect their parenting patterns and their children’s growth and development. Nurses have a role in providing anticipatory guidance or guidance to parents or caregivers who have children with special needs.
As a supplement to clinical learning in the Child Nursing Course, the DIII Nursing Study Program at STIKES Notokusumo Yogyakarta held an expert lecture on Children with Special Needs with the theme: “Anticipatory Guidance for Children With Special Needs”. This expert lecture was delivered by Admila Rosada, M.Psi, Psychologist online via zoom meeting. This activity was held on Thursday, March 4 2021 at 09.00 WIB. The expected output target from implementing this activity is that students can find out about screening and the types of children with special needs so that they can increase students’ understanding so they can provide education about the growth and development of children with special needs in the community.