Pediatric nursing is one part of the branch of nursing science that provides care for children. Children are the future of the nation, who during their growth period require attention from parents, health workers and society.
In this new normal period, learning is carried out using a blended learning system. The Pediatric Nursing Team provides clinical knowledge to students both at the final level, namely at level III and at level II. The theme of the batch 2 Pediatric Nursing Expert Lecture on March 10 2021 is “The Role of Pediatric Nursing during the Covid 19 Pandemic”. The speaker in this activity was Mrs. Ambarwati, S.Kep, Ns, M.Kep as Ka. Irna Dr Sardjito Hospital Yogyakarta.
He explained that the principles of pediatric nursing care, namely family center care and atraumatic care, are the main principles, especially during the Covid 19 pandemic. The principles that can be implemented by nurses in atraumatic care during the Covid pandemic include: reducing or preventing the impact of separation from the family, increasing parents’ ability to control child care, preventing or reducing physical trauma and pain, and modifying the environment. Communication techniques can be done with our gentleness so as to make the patient comfortable and pictures can be provided around the patient’s room. Children are unique individuals and have needs according to their level of development. Pediatric nursing services are oriented towards preventing disease and improving health status. The current role of nurses is providing care, as a family advocate, disease prevention, education, counseling, collaboration, ethical decision making, and also research which is expected to improve the health status of children in Indonesia.