STIKES Notokusumo held a Capping Day Ceremony for the first time during the Covid-19 pandemic. The swearing-in ceremony and donning of the nursing professional hood was held on Tuesday, September 28 2021 in a hybrid manner where most of the participants took part in the ceremony online, but there were student representatives who took part in the ceremony offline at the Stikes Notokusumo Campus Jalan Bener No. 26 Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta. This event was attended by 159 students of the 30th batch of DIII Nursing Study Program, and was attended by structural officials of Stikes Notokusumo and representatives from the Notokusumo Foundation.
This year’s Capping Day was held based on the spirit of the theme: “Making promises as the first step in preparing professional, skilled, intelligent and ethical nurses”. Giri Susilo Adi, M.Kep. as Chair of Stikes Notokusumo hopes that through this theme prospective nursing students can grow and develop into skilled and intelligent nurses, in addition to having good ethical standards and manners so that they are able to provide professional, humanistic nursing services and uphold noble character.The Capping Day ceremony is a ceremonial procession in the nursing study program that is carried out before prospective nursing students enter the field of clinical nursing practice in hospitals or enter the community. During the event procession, senior nurses pinned professional nursing hats on female students and nursing pins on male students. The nurse’s hood is not just a head covering but is a symbol of health. professional identity for nurses, while the pin functions as identification for oneself and the institution where students are studying nursing. The embedding of the nurse hood symbolizes that the period of intellectual training and development, nursing skills and ethics for prospective nursing students has fulfilled the requirements to advance to the next stage, namely nursing clinical practice in hospitals to learn and apply the knowledge gained in lectures.
In his remarks, the Chairman of Stikes Notokusumo, Giri Susilo Adi, M.Kep. stated, “Making promises and putting on the hat of the nursing profession is not just a ritual before entering the hospital, but contains a deep meaning, namely that students have begun to enter the real world of nursing, understand the duties, roles and functions of nurses, are aware and understand the responsibilities nursing profession.”
After pinning the nurse’s cap, prospective nurse students raised the nurse’s pledge. During the pledge procession, students read a pledge containing the obligations that prospective nurse students must carry out and fulfill when providing nursing care services to patients, in the form of a promise not to discriminate against patients, prioritize patients and protect patient confidentiality. In his speech, Chairman Stikes hoped that this promise could be kept and realized by prospective nurse students both in practice and when they work as professional nurses later. In providing nursing services, we must always uphold the values of professionalism, serve patients wholeheartedly, there is no discrimination (gender, SARA number), uphold universal human values and adhere to the professional code of ethics.
On this occasion, appreciation was also given to students with academic achievements with the highest achievement index indicators, namely to three students:
- Nourmaadina Pristianingrum (NIM 3020193557): IP 3.90
- Fina Febryanti (NIM 3020193493): IP 3.88
- Lola Trisnawati (NIM 3020193445): IP 3.86.
- Cutia Caesari Eka Putri (NIM 3020193483): 218 times
- Dewi Puspita Sari (NIM 3020193485): 160 times
- Candra Prasetya Nugraha (NIM 3020193482): 117 times