D3 Nursing Study Program STIKES Notokusumo Yogyakarta in April, namely
April 26 to May 1 2021, carried out Family Nursing Clinical Practice. One of the series of activities from the Family Nursing Clinical Practice is the Expert Lecture. The expert lecture is held as a supplement to the family nursing clinical practice learning material with the theme “Handling Family Health Problems Using The Complementary Therapeutic Approach : Accupressure and Herbs” (Management of Family Health Problems with a Complementary Approach to Acupressure and Herbs) The expert lecture was held on Thursday, April 29 2021 at 10.00 WIB and was attended by 179 semester VI student participants. This activity was carried out online using zoom meeting media. The resource person for this activity was Mr. Sidik Tobah Palupi, AMK,
he is one of the nurses from the Tegalrejo Community Health Center, Yogyakarta.
In the expert lecture, Mr. Sidik Tobah Palupi as the resource person said
that traditional community health plays a role in Organizing traditional health efforts for the community and families to increase awareness, willingness and ability to live healthily in order to obtain optimal health. Traditional
treatment is carried out independently or integrated with conventional services.
Integration of traditional health services referred to in this case is one of the efforts
to integrate and produce harmony between traditional health service efforts and
program efforts. health program.
Traditional medicine is an effort to treat or treat other methods outside of
medical science or nursing science. Traditional medicine is treatment or care both native and originating from outside Indonesia which is carried out by means of treatment which refers to the experience and skills passed down from generation to generation and is applied in accordance with the norms applicable in society. The types of traditional treatment that are well known are massage massage skills, bone fracture massage, cupping, concoctions such as herbal medicine and traditional concoctions. Alternative complementary medicine is non-conventional treatment aimed at improving the level of public health. includes promotive, preventive, curative
and rehabilitative efforts obtained through structured education with high quality, safety and
effectiveness based on biomedical science that has not been accepted in
conventional medicine. “The policies related to traditional medicine are regulated in the Law,” said Mr. Sidik Tobah Palupi. The law that regulates traditional health services is Republic of Indonesia Law no. 36/2009 concerning health articles
1, 59, 60 and 61. The topic being discussed is related to the management of family health problems using the complementary approach of acupressure and herbs in this case is RI Law no. 36/2009 article 59 paragraph 1 concerning health which states that traditional health services include traditional health services, skills and traditional health services, ingredients that are fostered and supervised by the government to ensure benefits and safety. Based on this law, Mr. Sidik Tobah Palupi said that the classification of herbs in question includes herbal medicine, gurah, homoeopath, aromatherapy, spa therapy and sinshe. Meanwhile, the classification for skills is divided into 3 (three), namely manual, tools/technology and mental processing. Manual massage can be done with massage
shiatsu, fractures, reflexology and acupressure. Tools or technology can be done with acupuncture,
chiropraxy and cupping battra as well as thought processing can be done with reiki, qigong, inner energy spirituality, psychics and hypnotherapy.
Why traditional medicine? On the occasion of the expert lecture, Mr. Sidik Tobah Palupi said that Indonesia has great potential, namely around 30,000 types of plants, 7,500 to 9,600 of which have potential as medicinal plants, only around 300 plant species have been used. as traditional medicine. In the 2010 Riskesdas, it was also stated that 59.29%, including in DIY, 78% of the Indonesian population had consumed herbal medicine and 93.76% of people or families who had consumed herbal medicine stated that herbal medicine provided benefits. health for the body. Mr. Sidik Tobah
Palupi also added that in Indonesia in 2007 there were 129 IOTs and 907 IKOTs
(Traditional Medicine Small Industries). In general, many people choose traditional medicine because the raw materials are obtained from plants, animals and minerals, the manufacturing process can be produced by individuals or industry manually or manually.
with only tools, side effects
or drug interactions are relatively small and if there are reversible properties, the use is holistic
namely as a preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative effort and the efficacy of the drug is more than one
Mr Sidik Tobah Palupi added that there is a 2007 National Traditional Medicine Policy (Kontranas) contained in Minister of Health Decree No. 381/Menkes/SK/III/2007 which states
that the aim of traditional medicine is to encourage the sustainable use of natural resources and traditional herbs, guaranteeing the management of Indonesia’s natural potential so that it has
competitiveness, the availability of traditional medicine as well as making traditional medicine a superior commodity. Traditional medicinal ingredients are very useful for family health, so this is stated in Minister of Health Regulation No. 9 of 2016 concerning independent care with TOGA and
skills which states that increasing the use of TOGA and skills
to overcome minor health problems carried out by community health center staff to
the community as a form of community empowerment in the field of traditional health.
Based on Minister of Health Decree no. 381/Menkes/SK/III/2007, a Holistic Approach is needed
Potion Formulas.
Herbs can be used as pain relievers, digestive aids, hepatoprotectors,
enhancer the body’s endurance and body fresheners so that in a Holistic Approach The formula for the potion needs to be known first about the cause of the disease, the symptoms of the disease and the disease that accompanies it. The discovery of efficacious plants which was carried out empirically was adapted to the disease they were experiencing, for example jaundice, so the plants which had healing properties were plants which were yellow in color, such as ginger. Tomatoes are good for heart health, avocados for the fetus, red beans for the kidneys, carrots for the eyes, celery for the bones, pomegranates for sperm fertility, oranges for the breasts, potatoes for the pancreas, olives for the ovaries, ginger for the stomach, broccoli for cancer cells. So, based on the holistic approach to the herbal formula, it is important to pay attention to the signs of alarm (doctrine of signature) from the body. The use of TOGA and herbal concoctions can also be modified with a complementary approach to acupressure which can be used as a management of health problems in the family. Complementary Acupressure can be used to treat health problems such as increasing breast milk production, coughs and colds in toddlers, increasing appetite, itching in hives, menstrual pain, insomnia and stress. , muscle cramps in the lower legs/legs and headaches/dizziness,” said Mr. Sidik Tobah